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Tongi Children Education Program (TCEP)



Location: Ward # 49, Block # 4, Duttapara, Ershad Nagor, Tongi, Gazipur

Donor: ADRA Czech

Direct Beneficiaries: 210

Indirect Beneficiaries: 1050

Total Beneficiaries: 1260

Project Duration:  01/04/2021 - 31/03/2025

Total Budget: BDT 58,80,000.00

NGO Bureau Approval Date: 13/12/2021

NGO Bureau  Approval Reference No. : 03.07.0000.657.68.544.2021



Project Goal:


Ensure access to and complete primary education of good quality for vulnerable and disadvantaged children.



Key Activities:


  • Engage community stakeholders and district members in constructive discussions on child labor and education-related issues.

  • Work with civil society organizations to reduce underage labor and boost school retention rates.

  • Increase the capacity of school management committees and civil society organizations to demand efficient services from appropriate and responsible local government authorities.



Project Description:


Each of the 210 students at TCEP has a story to tell, but whatever their circumstances, they now have a place where they can receive a formal primary education. TECP is a formal school for slum children and the project runs activities keeping the children at the center. Ensure access to and completion of quality primary education for vulnerable and disadvantaged children. The primary focus of the proposed intervention is to develop children with significant attention to education, in harmony with basic health and nutrition, as well as parental awareness of their children's growth and social issues, with the aim of sustaining the impact. This will contribute to the holistic growth, protection of rights, and development of the children. The project presents a balanced support plan for the beneficiaries throughout the project period. The main objective is to improve the living status of the most disadvantaged and marginalized children in the slums of Dhaka through formal and non-formal education, health care, and psychosocial support.

Story Lab

ADRA Bangladesh Launches Distribution of Nutritious “Euglena Biscuits” at TCEP
ADRA Bangladesh Launches Distribution of Nutritious “Euglena Biscuits” at TCEP
The Hardship of Two Orphan Girls
The Hardship of Two Orphan Girls
Story of A Helpless Slum Girl
Story of A Helpless Slum Girl
A Slum Kid is Struggling for His Future
A Slum Kid is Struggling for His Future
Story of A Distressed Slum Child
Story of A Distressed Slum Child
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Tongi Children Education Program (TCEP) – A beacon of hope for the slum children
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Tongi Children Education Program (TCEP) – A beacon of hope for the slum children
Overcoming Adversity: The Inspiring Journey of Slum Children in Pursuit of Education
Jannat is attending her classes.jpg
Overcoming Obstacles: The Inspiring Success Story of Jannat
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