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World Day Against Child Labour

Children are future citizens of the Nation and their adequate development is the utmost priority of the country. Unfortunately, child labour engulfs children across the world.

Every year on June 12 the World Day Against Child Labour is observed to raise awareness of the plight of child labourers worldwide. Hundreds of millions of girls and boys around the world are affected.

This day also helps in edifying kids and parents that employing a child is morally and illegally wrong. This year the theme of this special day is "Act now: End Child Labour".

The leading causes of child labour in Bangladesh are social inequality, lack of education, and poverty. According to UNICEF’s report, children from the impoverished and rural parts of the world have no available alternatives such as teachers and schools.

Child labour is especially unrestrained in many developing countries - but even in industrialized nations, many children are forced to work. According to UNICEF, children in the United States “are employed in agriculture, a high proportion of them from immigrant or ethnic-minority families.” There have also been a number of incidents of westerns companies exploiting child labourers in developing countries to save production costs.

The Day not only focuses on the suitable environment required for the children to grow and prosper but also provides an opportunity to gain support from governments, civil society, schools, youth, women's groups, and media to participate in the campaign against child labour.

Poverty is one of the important factors for this problem. Hence, enforcement alone cannot help solve it. The Government should lay a lot of emphasis on the rehabilitation of children and on improving the economic conditions of their families.


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