Bringing Hope through Cultivating Summer Cauliflower
Growing cauliflower in the summer is an innovative idea. Generally, farmers are cultivating cauliflower in the winter in Bangladesh. Cauliflower is a famous seasonal vegetable in Bangladesh. Thinking of its popularity, ADRA in Bangladesh is encouraging farmers to grow cauliflower in the summer. Farmers can get double the profit by cultivating cauliflower in the summer than in the winter.
“I brought the seeds of cauliflower from Community Empowerment Project (CEP) – Gouripur, Mymensingh of ADRA Bangladesh and started cultivating them. I didn't know that this winter vegetable could be grown in the summer! I’m expecting a good outcome from it. I hope other farmers will adopt it. I had to spend BDT 4,800.00 on it. If I can sell them between BDT 16,000.00-17,000.00, I’ll get the benefit,” said Bacchu Mia a farmer from Gouripur, Mymensingh.
Summer cauliflower is a very modern vegetable. Farmers have seen this for the very first time. It can’t be seen even in the market. Both ADRA and local communities are optimistic about the thriving of summer cauliflower.
“ADRA is demonstrating newfangled vegetables for the farmers. So far, to my knowledge, they’ve implemented 10 demonstration plots for summer cauliflower. They’re taking advice and assistance for any type of activities from us. We’re correlated to each other. I would like to thank ADRA Bangladesh for introducing such an innovative vegetable that we dare not to introduce to the farmers,” said Sumon Chandra Sarker, Sub-Assistant Agriculture Officer, Koltapara Block, Gouripur, Mymensingh.
CEP – Gouripur, Mymensingh team, and local government counterparts are working closely aiming to bring out drastic changes in the agrarian system of Gouripur, Mymensingh.