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ADRA is Expanding Educational Opportunities for the Deprived Communities

ADRA Bangladesh welcomed Mr. Yongin, Programs Director of ADRA Korea, on his visit to the projects in Mirpur, Dhaka, and Tongi, Gazipur. The visit comes as part of the ongoing effort to strengthen support for education.

Mr. Yongin visited ADRA Bangladesh headquarters, which was an opportunity for him to witness firsthand the impact of the organization's programs. He had the privilege of interacting with ADRA Bangladesh staff, some beneficiaries of TCEP, and children from deprived communities.

During the visit, he discussed the importance of ensuring that every child has access to quality education, regardless of the background of the children or location. He reaffirmed their commitment to support the efforts of ADRA Bangladesh, particularly in assisting the lives of children devastated by poverty.

He handed over 32 school benches and a water pump for Tongi Children Education Program (TCEP). Children were delighted to have new school benches for their classrooms. They thanked the Korean Donors for helping them to continue their education.

Overall, the visit of Mr. Yongin was a testament to the power of concerted efforts in promoting education. ADRA Bangladesh looks forward to continuing its efforts to collaborate with donors such as ADRA Korea and Seoul Sahmyook Middle School to ensure better lives and futures for every child.


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