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World Refugee Day 2020

People honor the spirit and intrepidity of millions of refugees worldwide on World Refugee Day. It is a day to acknowledge the contributions of refugees in their communities. World Refugee Day is observed on June 20 to highlight the quandary of refugees across the globe.

A refugee is someone who fled his or her home and country owing to “a well-founded fear of persecution because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion”, according to the United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention.

The first World Refugee Day was nominated on June 20, 2001, by United Nations General Assembly. On this day, people all over the world will join together to express their support for and compassion with the world’s refugees. The worldwide commemoration is an opportunity to recognize the contributions that refugees make to their new countries or their homelands, if and when they can return.

This year the theme for World Refugee Day 2020 is Every Action Counts. This year, the United Nations aims to remind the world that everyone, including refugees, can contribute to society and Every Action Counts in the effort to create a more just, inclusive, and equal world.

According to the United Nation, an unprecedented 70.8 million people around the world have been forced from home by conflict and persecution at the end of 2018.

Refugees might take shelter in any country, but it is the responsibility of the international community to look after them. As the people of Bangladesh understood the torments of the refugees, they did not take time to provide shelter to these displaced Rohingyas. The whole world including the United Nations has today stood beside the Rohingyas and has also praised Bangladesh for sheltering them.

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