Jun 24, 2019
The Hardship of Two Orphan Girls
Samia and Lamia are two orphan girls who were living in a remote village called Chormuguria, in the district of Madaripur. They have lost...

Jun 23, 2019
A Meritorious Slum Girl
I’ve visited various slums of Bangladesh, Chalantika is one of them. Chalantika is one of the biggest slums in Dhaka. I’ve seen numerous...

Apr 24, 2019
Chalantika Slum: Story of Arif
“My mother had two sons before me, but unfortunately they all had died at an early age. Now, I am the only children of my parents who are...

Feb 2, 2019
The Agony of a Slum Child: Yesmin’s Story
“My father is sick and he’s not able to do any work to support our family financially. As a daughter, it’s very hard for me to see my...

Jan 15, 2019
Life in Slum: Building Future with Sewing Machine
“I had a deep interest in education from my childhood but my parents were so poor that they couldn’t afford the educational expenses. I...